
Monday, August 27, 2012

Troudt gathering in Nelson, NE 1942

This picture graciously submitted to Idaho Troudt's by Nebraska Troudt, Coke Troudt!  Thanks!

Back row Left to Right
George Troudt, Ivan Troudt, Doris Troudt, Wesley Troudt, Muriel Troudt, Donnie Meyer, Unknown woman, Leslie Troudt holding Johnny Troudt, Leone (wife of Leslie, Alfred Meyer, John Troudt, Billy Troudt, Vhelmae (Billy's wife), Minnie (John's wife, Ona Beth Troudt, Henry Meyer (see only his hat), Alice Troudt Jacoby (wife of George Jacoby), Ola Meyer.  (Ola and Henry Meyer were parents of Donnie & Alfred Meyer)
Second Row
Bernice (wife of George), Ed Troudt, Marie (wife of Ed), Nelloe Troudt Meyer (wife of Alfred), Uyvonne Troudt, Mary (wife of Adam), Orville Troudt, Fern (wife of Ivan), Bill (Willie) Troudt, Adam Troudt, George Jacoby (unknown girl beside Fern, see only her hair)

Front Row
Donna Troudt, Marlys Troudt, Ray Troudt, Larry Meyer, Bill Troudt, Jr., Bertha (wife of Bill), Dick Troudt (with mother, Bertha)

Troudt Family Groups in this picture:
George and Bernice
     Ivan, Nellie

Ed and Marie
     Doris, Uyvonne, Muriel, Donna, Marlys

John and Minnie

Billy & Vhelmae
     Wesley, Ona Beth, and Ray

Alfred and Nellie Troudt Meyer

Adam and Mary
     Orville, Bill (Willie)

Bill (Willie) & Bertha
     Bill Jr & Dick

Alice and George Jacoby
Underlined are brothers and sister